
PicWords is back in development! A new version will be coming soon!

Picwords is returning hero


PicWords is a simple Augmentative and Alternative Communication app, also known as a Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS/AAC). The goal of PicWords is to help a person with physical and communicative disabilities convey needs and wants.

Fully customizable selections

Items created can be completely determined by the user. This way, the person using the app will see familiar, accustomed objects and places, rather than hand drawn or generic images.

a blank card floating over colorful graphics

Create your own image library

Images can be created by taking pictures in the app or by using any photo in the iPad’s photo library.

a blank card floating over colorful graphics

Record your own audio

Audio is easily recorded with the built in mic. Re-record audio or change pictures at any time by editing existing items.

a blank card floating over colorful graphics

Get Info

Please contact us with comments, questions, requests, or feedback of any kind. We welcome ideas that would make PicWords better for you!